1. Ranking of developed software using fuzzy composite programming
Authors : Dr. Nisha Agrawal
Pages : 513-523
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.568
Keywords : Decision making Uncertainty Fuzzy numbersMulti-levelMulti-objectiveFuzzy composite programmingNormalizationSensitivity analysis. Abstract :A model using the Fuzzy Composite Programming is developed to select the most appropriate software and then aggregate and weight of normalize basic criteria into more general groups. Several factors considered to the selection decision are used in the ranking and evaluating the proposed alternatives. Sensitivity analysis is discussed that will enable to perform high level quality analysis of the given software systems. The model developed in this paper is simple to use and allows to consider all decision relevant factors.
Citing this Journal Article :Dr. Nisha Agrawal, "Ranking of developed software using fuzzy composite programming", Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2016, 513-523
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