1. Analysis and implementation of bus topology in opnet simulator environment
Authors : Rima Shelat, Megha Bhatt
Pages : 479-484
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.563
Keywords : OPNET, Bus Topology, Load, Traffic Sent, Traffic Receive, Delay, Nodes Abstract :A network is a combination of computers and devices for the purpose of sharing data, communication, and resource sharing. In this work, the performance Analysis of Bus topology has been done through the simulation process. The work was initiated with finding the performance of Bus network for the various parameters Delay (Sec), Traffic Sent (bits/Sec), Traffic Received(bits/Sec), throughput (bits/Sec) for the 10 Ethcoax Nodes using the OPNET simulator. The analysis is performed for 1 hour duration and the results were analyzed.
Citing this Journal Article :Rima Shelat, Megha Bhatt, "Analysis and implementation of bus topology in opnet simulator environment", Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2016, 479-484
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