1. Black spot analysis and solutions on state highways at khargone district
Authors : Arpit Jaiswal, Atul Bhatore
Pages : 326-342
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.545
Keywords : TRAFFIC, ACCIDENT, ROAD USER, ROAD SAFETY, TRAFFIC VOLUME Abstract :India is a leading developing country and road safety is still in a premature stage. Accident severity is growing in rapid order due to increasing in vehicle population. Accident leads to disablement, damage to health and property, death of human or animals’ social suffering and general degradation of environment. CAGR reports of year 2014 shows accident in rural region is 53.70 % and urban region 46.30%, the report clearly indicating that safety requirement are needs to be more concentrate on rural area that that of urban area. Government data shows about 400 persons where died every day in year 2015 and there is one death at every 3.75 minutes because of road accidents. The high accident rate is largely considered to the inadequacy of the highways and other main roads to meet the traffic demands, road user behaviour, vehicular defects, poor road geometrics and inadequate visibility. Road accidents results in heavy wealth loss to the country. Necessary of road safety is to reduce accident involving both human element and vehicles there by developing the road safer and user friendly to traffic.In Madhya Pradesh state area around our district headquarter Khargone roads has major connectivity and there are not big industries but these road carries large numbers of passengers to industrial area of Indore and Gujarat through state highways and district road.
Citing this Journal Article :Arpit Jaiswal, Atul Bhatore, "Black spot analysis and solutions on state highways at khargone district", Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2016, 326-342
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