1. Transliteration of digital gujarati mathematical text into braille for visually impaired people
Authors : Nikisha Jariwala, Bankim Patel
Pages : 217-229
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.531
Keywords : Braille ScriptGujarati LanguageText-to-Braille (TTB)Digital Mathematical TextText processingMapping Technique Abstract :Due to the limited availability of resources, particularly literatures in Braille text, visually impaired people are usually away from main stream of the society. Many researchers have worked on converting regular regional language text into Braille text. However, most of them have not given enough attention towards mathematical symbols/ notations. The approach discussed in this paper transliterates digital Gujarati mathematical text into Braille text that can also be stored as text file and can be printed on the Braille printer. The methodology employed in the proposed work is developed by considering standard Braille system American Grade 0. Rules are built according to the mathematical operators and transformation table is also created. The system shows satisfactory result.
Citing this Journal Article :Nikisha Jariwala, Bankim Patel, "Transliteration of digital gujarati mathematical text into braille for visually impaired people", Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2016, 217-229
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