1. Lossless image compression technique using haar wavelet and vector transform
Authors : Neha Sikka, Sanjay Singla
Pages : 49-55
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.507
Keywords : JPEG, Vector Transform, Lossy Compression. Abstract :The area of Image processing make a high effect in the age of fast growing technology to fulfil the human comfort level. A single image may contain thousand times more information than a written text on piece of paper. But due to the advent of technology, number of image formats exists to provide strength to the image data like JPEG, Tiff, BMP, Gif etc. Even when we wants to communicate on the base of these images through Internet for some purpose then the issue arises and affect the communication. To deal with this issue some compression mechanism is required. Compression is technique which is used to represent a particular thing by giving its shorter version to save some space for storage. In this paper a lossless technique of Image processing is proposed by considering Haar wavelet and Vector transform techniques. 97% compression percentage is achieved with the help to proposed method and when the results are compared with other techniques like Integer-to-Integer transform low SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) values and high RMSE values are achieved for the proposed system which shows its accurate behaviour.
Citing this Journal Article :Neha Sikka, Sanjay Singla, "Lossless image compression technique using haar wavelet and vector transform ", Volume 7 Issue 3 - September 2016, 49-55
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