1. Dental contour extraction & matching with label contouring using isef algorithm on dicom images for human identification
Authors : Deven N Trivedi, Nimit Shah, Ashish M. Kothari
Pages : 635-644
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.72.595
Keywords : Contouring, ISEF Edge detector, bilinear interpolation. Abstract :In this paper, the dental contour extraction is done. The Extracted feature is the tooth contours of one person with different time. Then it is compared with radiographs of other persons as they remain more invariant over time compared to some other features of the teeth. ISEF algorithm is used for edge detection. Combining ISEF algorithm and Dental contour Extraction, we get better results in form of matrix to match with another radiographs. Infinite symmetrical exponential filter are used as optimal edge detectors to find better contouring between any teeth contacts and the local deviations on termination boundaries. Also bilinear interpolation method is also used for comparative analysis. Results show that the proposed method achieves a precise measurement of basic dimensions. The proposed approach is invariant with respect to the orientation and it is easy to implement.
Citing this Journal Article :Deven N Trivedi, Nimit Shah, Ashish M. Kothari, "Dental contour extraction & matching with label contouring using isef algorithm on dicom images for human identification", Volume 7 Issue 2 - July 2016, 635-644
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