1. Implementation of fuzzy logic for introducing security at process level in agile development
Authors : Ruchi Sharma, Priyanka Mehta
Pages : 413-419
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.72.565
Keywords : Agile DevelopmentFuzzy logicSecurity EngineeringAgile Security. Abstract :Agile software development has had a huge impact on how software has evolved worldwide recently. The key aspect of the agile development is a flexible structure with faster development time that allows handling changes to new requirements easier than the older more rigid processes. Even though the agile approach is becoming popular, it is reported to have disadvantages related to secure software development. In order to build secure software, security enhanced processes and practices are needed. The growing trend towards the use of agile techniques for building software and the increase in security breaches over the past few years means that it is essential to integrate existing high-profile SE processes with agile processes. This paper addresses this major concern of security requirements of projects using agile approach. It provides a roadmap to introduce security at process level using fuzzy logic. It is implemented in Java language with graphical user interface. It uses a lightweight method to enhance the security features by integrating security activities from Security engineering processes without compromising the agility of agile process.
Citing this Journal Article :Ruchi Sharma, Priyanka Mehta, "Implementation of fuzzy logic for introducing security at process level in agile development", Volume 7 Issue 2 - July 2016, 413-419
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