1. An approach for localization in underwater wireless sensor network
Authors : Kritika Sharma, Vivek Kanwar
Pages : 33-40
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.72.506
Keywords : Localization, UWSNs, Beacons, RMSE Abstract :Awareness of location among the participating nodes is one of the essential needs in designing of solutions for various issues related to Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) especially when sensor nodes are randomly organized in the network. Unlike in the terrestrial positioning, the global positioning system (GPS) cannot work efficiently underwater due to the limited bandwidth, the ruthlessly impaired channel and the costly equipment. All these collectively makes the localization problem extremely challenging. Although it is difficult to deploy beacon nodes at predetermined locations. Localization schemes with a mobile beacon on the sea surface or along the planned path are inherently convenient, accurate, having low energy requirements. This paper discusses about a range free localization mechanism for UWSNs that uses the mobile beacons for localization.
Citing this Journal Article :Kritika Sharma, Vivek Kanwar, "An approach for localization in underwater wireless sensor network", Volume 7 Issue 2 - July 2016, 33-40
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