1. Machine learning-based state-of-the-art approach to identifying the person behind an e-mail id and generating a ingenuity score based on predictionio
Authors : Anu B Nair
Pages : 178-184
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.025
Keywords : Data mining, Prediction, Social Media, Machine Learning Abstract :As the technology grows, the data is available over the web and the demand of data extraction has been increased dramatically. As the amount of data increases, knowledge discovery become tedious. As these data is being generated by global data sources such as social media, the companies and the researchers need to collect these information to extract the details about a person for generating sellable data about a person. Mainly eCommerce companies are investing lot of money for these data and build there own recommendation engine, and they can easily sell there product. This paper proposes a simple solution to find information about a person just from email-ID, by data mining, web scraping and from social media platform. It also provides a ingenuity score based on the information collected. So the collected this score can be used for fraud prevention in business.
Citing this Journal Article :Anu B Nair, "Machine learning-based state-of-the-art approach to identifying the person behind an e-mail id and generating a ingenuity score based on predictionio", Summer Special Issue - - June 2016, 178-184
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