Summer Special Issue - - June 2016

  • 1. Identification and classification of numerous leaves diseases with pattern recognition technique

    Authors : Geetu Yadav

    Pages : 141-145

    DOI :

    Keywords : K-means clustering,Neural pattern recognition tool and GLCM feature extraction

    Abstract :

    Plant diseases are major reason for huge harm and economic losses in agricultural field. Identification of disease in the plant is very serious for balanced farming. Farmers faces major difficulties in testing the disease and also worried about the cost involved in this to compensate loss. The main aim of proposed work is to correctly identify leaves diseases with the use of neural networks in which image is converted into Lab color space .Segmentation is done by k means clustering to spot diseased part of leaf after this GLCM texture feature are extracted. On the basis of feature selection classification is performed by neural pattern recognition tool with 96.9% correctness

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Geetu Yadav, "Identification and classification of numerous leaves diseases with pattern recognition technique ", Summer Special Issue - - June 2016, 141-145