1. Voltage stability analysis and bifurcation techniques: a detailed survey
Authors : Bv Srikanth
Pages : 9-16
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.73.002
Keywords : Voltage Stability, Voltage Instability, Voltage Collapse, PV Curves, Saddle Node Point and Chaotic Theory. Abstract :Power systems are affected by events that depend upon the state of the power system. Voltage instability is caused due to heavily operated transmission lines and insufficient availability of reactive power. Main causes for the voltage instability are increased loading of transmission lines, Reactive power constraints, Load characteristic at low voltages, Response of On Load Tap Changing (OLTC) transformer, Unexpected relay operations etc. Some of the methods analyzing Voltage Stability are Optimal Power Flow, Continuation Power Flow, Voltage Stability Indices Calculation Method, Bifurcation Analysis and finding Chaotic Conditions. A detailed survey on Voltage Stability and different techniques available in the literature are illustrated. In this paper, Toolboxes available in the literature for analyzing Voltage Stability are explained.
Citing this Journal Article :Bv Srikanth, "Voltage stability analysis and bifurcation techniques: a detailed survey", Summer Special Issue - - June 2016, 9-16
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