1. Sequence diagram extractor for better software visualization
Authors : Surender Singh, Arya Bharti
Pages : 378-384
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.71.053
Keywords : Keywords- Sequence Diagram, XML, Software Visualization, Slicing, Quick Sequence Diagram Editor Abstract :The attempt has been made to generate a smaller sequence diagram from a larger one. The Sequence Diagram is generated with the help of the Visual Paradigm for UML Version 10.0. This tool comes with the inbuilt functionality to generate the image, excel as well as XML for the sequence diagram. The XML has been then parsed for transforming the data objects in a format acceptable for programming across the other platforms. This has been done with the help of JAVA DOM parser. The parsed file has been stored as the .txt file which is again modified to extract the valid program slice as per the slicing criteria applied by the programmer. The output of this step has also been modified by replacing the Object Ids with their names for better representation and understanding. This has been achieved by the tool JCreator LE. The result of this step has also been stored in the form of a .txt file. Finally, the text file is in the desired format which is accepted by another tool known as Quick Sequence Diagram Editor which generates the sequence diagram on the basis of the last .txt file.
Citing this Journal Article :Surender Singh, Arya Bharti, "Sequence diagram extractor for better software visualization", Volume 7 Issue 1 - May 2016, 378-384
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