Volume 7 Issue 1 - May 2016

  • 1. Predilection and inclination of individual investor’s behaviour - an intendment of india

    Authors : Deepak Sood

    Pages : 14-31

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.71.002

    Keywords : Demographic factors, Modes of Investment, Level of awareness, Level of preference and attitude, Punjab and Chandigarh.

    Abstract :

    Investment decision making is influenced through investment behaviour by various factors involved. Demographic profile of investors is one of the parameter for investment decision making. The aim of this paper is to find out the various demographic factors in India (Punjab and Chandigarh) and to examine the effect of demographic factors on investor’s level of preference and attitude towards various modes of investment. 600 investors were selected as sample percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, Reliability analysis and chi square test was conducted to explore the effect. Result of the paper has shown that there is no effect of age, sex, marital status demographic factors on level of preference and attitude of investors and others demographic factors like occupation and education etc. has significant effect on level of preference and attitude investors.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Deepak Sood, "Predilection and inclination of individual investor’s behaviour - an intendment of india", Volume 7 Issue 1 - May 2016, 14-31