1. Review of multi-layer security architectures/models for 4g/lte networks
Authors : Kanica Joshi, Anuj Gupta
Keywords : 4G security key management data privacy protection confidentiality protection. Abstract :
4G/LTE is the popular cellular model which is getting more popularity and adding more number of users every year. The networks with the higher number of users become the hot pick for the hacking attacks. 4G/LTE is having a higher probability of attracting the users because it also offers the higher bandwidth (data transmission speeds) for the 4G voice or data links, which make it highly prone to the channel hijacking attacks. The proposed model is aimed at solving the problem of voice security by using the periodic authentication between the two users or nodes connected to the 4G/LTE network. The voice call hacking is being popular as there are several call leaks are reported every year, where the calls of the government officials, military personnel, business men, highly priority officials in the bigwigs of the industry, etc have been tracked. To overcome such thing, the proposed model must be capable of security the voice call channel from any kind of the external or internal hacking attempts. In this paper the focus is given on existing 4G techniques such as EAP-AKA, EPS-AKA, SPEKE, and EEPS-AKA.
Citing this Journal Article :Kanica Joshi, Anuj Gupta, "Review of multi-layer security architectures/models for 4g/lte networks", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016,
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