1. Object & bridge detection of gis images using pattern recognition and knowledge base
Authors : Supriya Survashe, Ashok Korke
Pages : 570-574
Keywords : Pattern recognition, Remote Sensing, Knowledge base, Object detection Abstract :
Pattern Recognition is becoming an area of fast growing area of Image processing. Remote Sensing is one of the branches of it. Sometimes it is difficult to visit & analyze the geographical areas like forestry or island etc. also it is difficult to visit the areas in case of natural calamities. For this purpose some technique needs to be developed to recognize the areas like building, greenery, land, water, bridge. Study is done previously on these topics but it was limited to one or two objects of remote sensors. In this paper the method for detection of the objects like building, greenery, water, roads, land are introduced. Also technique for detecting the bridge over water is also defined. The Knowledge base used for this recognition is based on analysis, so it is unbound to different areas also. The technique is helpful to find the area under civilization and to find percentage area of specific pattern. The technique is helpful in natural calamities situations also where it is not possible to reach.
Citing this Journal Article :Supriya Survashe, Ashok Korke, "Object & bridge detection of gis images using pattern recognition and knowledge base", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 570-574
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