1. Speech therapy utensils for marathi speech disorders: a proposed system
Authors : Dr.mahendra Kondekar, Dr.madhuri Joshi
Pages : 559-561
Keywords : Speech Disorders, SpeechDisability, Virtual Speech Consulting Center Abstract :
Speech and language disorders can have a negative impact on a child’s ability to communicate with families and peers, as well as make progress academically. Speech disorder is not a disease but a habit of speaking in a wrong way which is not by birth. Schools and parents in India are facing problems to meet the needs of children with disability in speech disorder. In this paper we are focusing on providing solution to speech disorder disability with Marathi language. Here we are proposing online tool which will act as “Virtual Speech Consulting Center†to those disordered children and will also provide an easy platform for parents and practitioners.
Citing this Journal Article :Dr.mahendra Kondekar, Dr.madhuri Joshi, "Speech therapy utensils for marathi speech disorders: a proposed system", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 559-561
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