1. Optimisation of cnc end milling parameters for aluminium alloy lm-24 by using taguchi technique
Authors : Dhiraj Dhiman
Pages : 501 - 507
Keywords : Optimization, CNC, Milling , MRR Abstract :
In today’s competitive environment, the companies all around the world are trying to increase their profits without increasing the sales price of their products. The reduction in production time and optimization of process parameters plays an important role for enhancement of productivity. After iron, aluminium is now the second most widely used metal in the world. CNC milling is one of the fastest cutting processes for aluminium. But optimization of CNC milling process parameters is to be done through an experimentation work. Therefore in this particular thesis work machining of Aluminium LM24 is done in which optimization of CNC milling process parameters is attempted for analysis. The tool used for machining is Solid Carbide Square end mill K 10 tool. The main response Variables taken are Material Removal Rate(MRR) and Surface finish that mainly depends upon parameters such as Speed, Feed Rate and Depth of Cut. As the depth of cut increases the MRR increases, surface roughness of the workpiece is also increases. Whereas by increasing the Speed, Material Removal Rate and Surface Finishing improve simultaneously.
Citing this Journal Article :Dhiraj Dhiman, "Optimisation of cnc end milling parameters for aluminium alloy lm-24 by using taguchi technique", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 501 - 507
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