1. A retrospection of software component selection techniques using computational intelligence
Authors : Jagdeep Kaur
Pages : 489 - 495
Keywords : Component Selection, Fuzzy Clustering, Component Based Software development, Component Based Development Abstract :
In this study, a capacious survey of existing component selection techniques is done. A component is selected based on the functions it provides along with some other extra functional properties. There may be many candidate components for providing the same functionality. Many techniques have been proposed for component selection under varied situations. The main emphasis is on the usage of computational intelligent techniques in component selection. After analyzing the techniques it was observed that it suffers from major demerits like specifying the number of clusters beforehand and generating clusters on the basis of limited number of features. A new methodology based on fuzzy clustering is proposed here. It will work on the basis of fuzzy relations instead of similarity measures.
Citing this Journal Article :Jagdeep Kaur, "A retrospection of software component selection techniques using computational intelligence", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 489 - 495
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