1. A survey and analysis of security models used for on-cloud resources
Authors : Kamlendu Kumar Pandey
Pages : 469 - 476
Keywords : cloud computing, cloud security, information security, on-cloud applications, security models Abstract :
The sudden emergence of cloud as new computing platform has opened flood gates for host of diverse applications and services to be deployed on cloud. Most of the cloud service providers make claims to guarantee the performance and security to the deployed resources. However security is something which still haunts the developer for sole dependence on the providers. An effort has been done in this paper to understand the setup and models used for security services and what kind of benefits and assurances can be achieved from this. The models, architectures and frameworks are compared so as to increase awareness in the development community to ask relevant questions regarding security issues before deploying their applications.
Citing this Journal Article :Kamlendu Kumar Pandey, "A survey and analysis of security models used for on-cloud resources", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 469 - 476
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