1. fractal antenna structures for cognitive radio applications
Authors : Manikya Krishna Chaitanya Durbhakula, Venkata Koteswara Rao Nalam
Pages : 464 - 468
Keywords : Fractal geometries, Sierpinski monopole, self symmetry, iterations, multi band behavior, HFSS Abstract :
The emerging trends in advanced communication system demands the antenna to be operated over wide band or multi band as various wireless standards employs different operational bands. Besides this, the major desirable attributes in the antenna design are performance, size, weight, cost, low profile, ease of installation of antenna. One of the blooming approaches is to construct the Fractal Structures. The demand for the effective utilization of the spectrum needs to employ new revolutionary techniques such as Cognitive Radio environments and the antenna plays a vital role in sensing and communicating with the spectrum. As such the antenna design needs to address reconfigurability, multi band behavior for such applications. The self similarity and self affinity in their geometrical structural properties are utilized for achieving multi band /wide band behavior. The fractal antenna structures are the best candidates for such applications. Suitable switching mechanism can be easily incorporated to these structures for obtaining reconfigurability. This paper describes the brief analysis of fractal antennas and design and fabrication of sierpinski monopole gasket by adding four iterations in the fractal design and its multi band behavior is presented.
Citing this Journal Article :Manikya Krishna Chaitanya Durbhakula, Venkata Koteswara Rao Nalam, " fractal antenna structures for cognitive radio applications", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 464 - 468
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