1. Estimation of refrigeration side heat transfer coefficient of zero ozone depletion refrigerant r134a used in mobile ac in comparison with r22 refrigerant
Authors : Sainath Kasuba
Pages : 419 - 425
Keywords : ODP, GWP, Critical pressure, critical pressure, Enthalpy, C.O.P, condenser, rotary compressor, refrigerants , R22, R134a, capillary tube, thermal conductivity, heat transfer Abstract :
This document presents a theoretical study, Design & Experimental results gives the performance of R134a refrigerant as alternative to ozone layer depleting R22 refrigerant. R134a refrigerant has no ozone layer depleting property and inconsequential global warming potential with respect to R22. As per the rules of Montreal and Kyoto protocol the world community has decided to reduce the production and consumption of HCFC-22 from the refrigeration and air conditioning industry completely by 2020. In R22, chlorine is the element which depletes the Ozone layer, with Ozone Depletion Potential 0.05 and Global Warming Potential 1700, which effects the environment
Citing this Journal Article :Sainath Kasuba, "Estimation of refrigeration side heat transfer coefficient of zero ozone depletion refrigerant r134a used in mobile ac in comparison with r22 refrigerant", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 419 - 425
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