1. Experimental analysis of compressive stress-strain rates and mechanical properties of al 6061 and al 6061 sic
Authors : Muniaraj S
Pages : 393 - 397
Keywords : Al 6061 MMC, reinforcements particles, stir casting, sand casting, compression test, Hardness Abstract :
The project deals with the study and analysis of mechanical properties and compressive stress-strain deformation of (Al 606l and Al 6061/SiC particle reinforced into a cylindrical component. The experimental component is a cylindrical specimen with two different dimensions. The analysis takes place at a dominant temperature deformation for different compressive stress loads while temperature dominate (room temp). The result show in Al 6061 and Al 6061/SiC cylinder is considers to the different compression strain rates. The experimental component is make powder based metallurgy for combination of content weight%, 80% Al 6061 and 20% SiC reinforcement a cylindrical component is two different radius (15mm,20mm) and height of cylinder specimen (50mm,40mm). Such as step by step apply the five different stress load on test cylinder specimen for evaluate and analysis the different strain rates and different mechanical properties ( SEM, Hardness, Elongation ) by using finite element analysis method (FEM) and comparison of mechanical properties.
Citing this Journal Article :Muniaraj S, "Experimental analysis of compressive stress-strain rates and mechanical properties of al 6061 and al 6061 sic", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 393 - 397
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