Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016

  • 1. Developing a gui based design software in vb environment to integrate with creo for design and modeling of ci engine

    Authors : Umesh Bedse, Laukik Raut

    Pages : 373 - 377

    Keywords : Design AutomationCADGUIKBEParametric Modelling

    Abstract :

    - In mechanical industry, design process is very time consuming because it is iterative process and requires experienced and skilled peoples. Computer Aided Design tool can be used for various applications in mechanical engineering resulting less time in design and better productivity and quality. We know that there are many CAD packages available in the market for design which demands modelling skills. It has been observed that many research efforts have been made in the area of design automation like integration of different CAD software like Creo Parametric, CATIA, SolidWorks with different computer programming languages like Visual Basic, Java, C++.But it is observed that Visual Basic is having some advantages over others like it will give us better frame work for designing input base as well as it can be easily interface with intermediate software like MS-excel which provides an input to other modelling or analysis software and among all available parametric modelling software Creo is widely used in industries. During the literature review, it is observed that integration of GUI or tailor made software development using a computer programming language with modelling software is done till now but further integration with analysis software is not done yet. This integration plays very important role for design automation of complicated assemblies which will definitely save much time of product design and development phase.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Umesh Bedse, Laukik Raut, "Developing a gui based design software in vb environment to integrate with creo for design and modeling of ci engine", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 373 - 377