1. An optimized full state feedback controller for ball and beam system
Authors : Sumanta Kundu, Dr.m.j Nigam
Pages : 318 - 326
Keywords : Ball and Beam system; Full state feedback control; Linear Quadratic Regulator;Genetic Algorithm; Integral Time and Absolute Error ; Integral Square Error; Integral Absolute Error Abstract :
The Ball and Beam system (BBS) is a nonlinear and unstable system which resembles with many real-time complicated systems, such as aircraft take off, aircraft turning in the space and robot walking with load in one arm. The simple structure of BBS offers easy modeling and testing different intelligent control techniques. Providing an appropriate beam angle to give the stability to the ball on the beam in a specific position with certain specifications, is a challenging task for the control system researchers. The performance of the system is greatly dependent on the accuracy of the control action. In this paper an optimized full state feedback controller has been designed with the help of Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) theory and Genetic Algorithm (GA) as an optimization method. LQR with GA will find the optimum feedback gain vectors which are associated with the all states of the ball and beam system. The stochastic operators (selection, crossover and mutation) will force the candidate solution in the n-dimensional search space to an optimal solution in the transition from one generation to the next generation. Global minima of the fitness function are confirmed by the elite count operator. Genetic Algorithm is coded for three types of fitness function, such as Integral Time and Absolute Error (ITAE), Integral Square Error (ISE) and Integral Absolute Error (IAE). The optimum performance, in terms of transient and steady state response is obtained by the ITAE fitness function. The simulation work is carried out in simulink environment of MATLAB (7.8.0) software. The simulation results are also validated in the real-time implementation of the ball and beam system, designed by Googol Technology.
Citing this Journal Article :Sumanta Kundu, Dr.m.j Nigam, "An optimized full state feedback controller for ball and beam system", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 318 - 326
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