1. Big data analytics using real-time architecture
Authors : Ashwini Meshram, Anuja Kulkarni, Saanvi Hippargi
Pages : 241 - 247
Keywords : Big Data, RTBDA stack, Hadoop. Abstract :
Real-time big data analytics has become a frequent buzzword among big data discussions. The report on “Real-time big data analytics: Emerging architecture by Mark Barlow revealed that RTBDA is an essential aspect and value proposition of big data analytics, specifically the ability to make decisions in real time based on the analysis of available information. The capability to store data quickly isn’t new. What’s new is the capability to do something meaningful with that data, quickly and cost effectively. For some, real-time big data analytics (RTBDA) is a ticket to improved sales, higher profits and lower marketing costs. To others, it signals the dawn of a new era in which machines begin to think and respond more like humans. The goal of this paper is sketching out a practical RTBDA stack that will serve a variety of stakeholders including users, vendors, investors, and corporate executives who make or influence purchasing decisions around information technology.
Citing this Journal Article :Ashwini Meshram, Anuja Kulkarni, Saanvi Hippargi, "Big data analytics using real-time architecture", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 241 - 247
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