1. Auto monitoring and control of environmental parameters for green house system
Authors : Priyanka Gurao
Pages : 191-196
Keywords : ARM7,GPRS Abstract :
In Green house ,growth of plants depends on extrenal environmenal factors such as temperature ,pH of soil,moisture of soil,atmospheric humidity etc.In Proposed system, environmatal parameters like light intensity,moisture in air,temperature and concentration of gases is monitored and factors like growth of plants can be affected by variation in these parameters,so if one of the parameter changes,it can be maintained by externally automatically controlled environment designed in proposed system e.g.Reduced light intensity can be compensated or reduced temperature can be brought back to desired value by applying heater.All these factors govern growth of plants in green house.In such a way green house system can be designed .For sensing of parameters different sensors are used. For for remote monitoring and control ,GPRS based system is developed in which ARM7 controller is used for data aquisition.
Citing this Journal Article :Priyanka Gurao, "Auto monitoring and control of environmental parameters for green house system ", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 191-196
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