1. Analysis of various applications proposed for maintaining scalability of resources in cloud computing
Authors : Amit Chaturvedi, Malay Upadhyay
Pages : 158-163
Keywords : cloud computing, Virtual Machine, Resource Scaling Abstract :
Among the various qualities of cloud computing, scalability of resources is very important feature of cloud computing. Virtual Machine (VM) technology enables multiple VMs to share resources on the same host. Resources allocated to the VMs should be re-configured dynamically in response to the change of application demands or resource supply. Because VM execution involves privileged domain and VM monitor, this causes uncertainties in VMs’ resource to performance mapping and poses challenges in online determination of appropriate VM configurations. Dynamic Resource Scaling has issue of low resource scaling; where resources are allocating but they lack the actual allocation requirement i.e. lack of resources many times is the problem in this case. Another aspect is high resource allocation in this analysis where resources are allocated to more than the requirement of users. Here in this case, the wastage of resources is the problem found. Third issue is the internet speed issue that is life line of any internet services so as in multi-tenant cloud. Internet speed is widely affecting internet as whole multi-tenant cloud environment. Any kind of service is possible but when we place whole organizations, educational institutions, and business online services round the clock 24x7 any kind of obstacles to speed of internet will lead to big risk to whole organization or business.
Citing this Journal Article :Amit Chaturvedi, Malay Upadhyay, "Analysis of various applications proposed for maintaining scalability of resources in cloud computing ", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 158-163
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