1. An analysis of integration related problems in object oriented system
Authors : Amit Chaturvedi, Rakesh Verma
Pages : 152-157
Keywords : Integration Strategy, Integration Errors, OO Systems, Polymorphism, faults Abstract :
Integration of object-oriented system is a complex task. One of the major strengths of object-oriented programming is the possibility of building independently manageable blocks (i.e., classes), which can be combined to obtain the whole system. A well designed object-oriented application is composed of simple building blocks assembled together. In this paper, we have presented various integration strategies like Top-down and Bottom up , Big-bang, and Threads Integration. During analysis work, we encountered with many Integration errors and faults like Interpretation Errors, miscoded call error, Interface error, and global errors. In this paper, we have presented strategy for integrating classes.
Citing this Journal Article :Amit Chaturvedi, Rakesh Verma, "An analysis of integration related problems in object oriented system ", Volume 6 Issue 4 - March 2016, 152-157
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