1. Selection of material handling system for flexible manufacturing cell using hybrid multi attribute decision making approach (a case study)
Authors : Sarabjit Singh, Kishor Kulkarni, Virat Saroop
Pages : 361-366
Keywords : FMS, Graph Theory and Matrix Approach (GTMA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Different Material Handling System Abstract :
Manufacturing Industries need to be furnished with new and updated effective tools for rapidly changing and highly competitive nature of today’s global world. Industrial Automation lead to Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) that allows manufacturing systems to excel under highly customized production requirements. The right selection of material handling system on the basis of performance measuring parameters is Multi-Attribute Decision Making Approach (MADM). MADM is a method used to solve problems involving selection from a finite number of alternatives. The Highway industries limited Company is facing enormous problem of material rejection & the multiple reason for such rejection are ,outdated machinery, less skilled worker but among these the most crucial factor is lack of flexible material handling system ,which resulted in loss of profit, quality, production rate etc. The main idea behind research study is to propose a suitable material handling system for crank shaft ma
Citing this Journal Article :Sarabjit Singh, Kishor Kulkarni, Virat Saroop, "Selection of material handling system for flexible manufacturing cell using hybrid multi attribute decision making approach (a case study)", Volume 6 Issue 3 - January 2016, 361-366
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