1. Ga based fuzzy logic controller for a pressure process station
Authors : C Hemalatha, Mridul Pandey, Amit Kumar Sinha, Srijita Singha Roy
Pages : 310-317
Keywords : PD, FLC,GAtool,FOPDT Abstract :
In this paper, a genetic algorithm based optimization mechanism is involved in order to optimize the mid-points of the membership functions of PD-Fuzzy logic controller. An optimization methodology for the PD-FLC is designed using the GA Tool, which can automatically optimize the mid points of the membership functions. The proposed approach is applied to a pressure process station whose simulation results are presented.
Citing this Journal Article :C Hemalatha, Mridul Pandey, Amit Kumar Sinha, Srijita Singha Roy, "Ga based fuzzy logic controller for a pressure process station", Volume 6 Issue 3 - January 2016, 310-317
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