1. Soft testing life cycle: a guideline to model, analysis and verify nfr
Authors : Anirban Bhar, Sabnam Sengupta
Pages : 271-276
Keywords : Life-cycle, NFR, QoS, requirements Abstract :
At early stage in the lifecycle, during the Inception phase, one of the issues to be considered as part of requirements gathering is to identify non-functional requirement (NFRs), also called quality of service (QoS) or simply quality requirements. Identifying the right NFRs for the particular system will keep impact on the technical decisions of the developer to design the initial architectural strategy. So it is also necessary to validate these requirements. This work is a guideline to deal with NFRs at early and every stage of developing a software.
Citing this Journal Article :Anirban Bhar, Sabnam Sengupta, "Soft testing life cycle: a guideline to model, analysis and verify nfr ", Volume 6 Issue 3 - January 2016, 271-276
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