1. A survey of face recognition from sketches
Authors : Dr. Ashwini Barbadekar, Prajakta Kulkarni
Pages : 150-158
Keywords : Face RecognitionSketchesMug-shotFace-sketch recognitionLaw enforcement. Abstract :
Face recognition has become one of the important application in today’s life. It is basically used for digital entertainment, security and law enforcement. Face recognition can be for entire or partial face, the complete face considered for the entire face detection and specific features considered for the partial face detection. In most of the criminal cases, the investigation depends upon the sketches drawn according to the description provided by the eye-witnesses. The automatic retrieval of the photos matching to that description from the police mug-shot database can help reduce the number of suspects potentially. Basically, this process relies upon the recollection of the face by an eye-witness and accuracy of the sketch artist in catching those details. So, a stronger algorithm for even partial face recognition can be useful.
Citing this Journal Article :Dr. Ashwini Barbadekar, Prajakta Kulkarni, "A survey of face recognition from sketches", Volume 6 Issue 3 - January 2016, 150-158
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