1. Inclination middling approach to recover missing values in data mining
Authors : Sunil Kumar Paliwal, B. L. Pal
Pages : 435-439
Keywords : Data mining, Inclination Approach, Data making, Incomplete Database, Missing numeric value. Abstract :
In this paper, we discussed inclination approach to find the nearest value of missing value, this missing value present in any numeric database. If missing value can be predicted by any statistical method, then it will help to improve the result in data analysis. Many universities and organization are interested in how to recover missing value which can help to reduce problems in database analysis and used for different purpose. Missing values affect directly on result In this work, a method has been proposed, by this inclination method. The missing value is replaced by the most probable value. Our main aim was to find out the missing value for incomplete database with many missing values. Inclination approach is better for number related database.
Citing this Journal Article :Sunil Kumar Paliwal, B. L. Pal, "Inclination middling approach to recover missing values in data mining", Volume 6 Issue 2 - November 2015, 435-439
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